Jesse Watters Slams Bill Clinton For ‘Lecturing’ Over Oval Office Conduct: “Like Trump Lecturing Someone On Twitter Conduct”

Jesse Watters, Bill ClintonFox Video Screen Shot, MSNBC Video Screen Shot

Jesse Watters slammed former president Bill Clinton over an excerpt from his speech given at the Democratic National Convention.

At one point during his speech Clinton attempted to give a lecture directed towards President Trump over his behavior in the Oval Office throughout his first term.

“At a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center. Instead, it’s a storm center,” Clinton said in his address to the convention. “There’s only chaos. Just one thing never changes — his determination to deny responsibility and shift the blame. The buck never stops there.”

In response, Jesse Watters told his fellow panelists on The Five, “Bill Clinton lecturing someone on Oval Office conduct would be like Donald Trump lecturing someone on Twitter conduct. It really doesn’t make sense.”

He continued, “And to put the bar where he has put it, think about whst LBJ was doing in the Oval Office when Vietnam, or what Nixon was doing in the Oval during Watergate, or what Obama was doing in the Oval during Obamagate. I mean, a lot worse things have happened.”

“Clinton is a very gifted politician, but he has no shame,” Watters declared as he then brought up photographs that recently surfaced of Clinton getting massaged by one of Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged rape victims. Video Below


Here is a broader segment from Wednesday’s airing of The Five: