Trump to O’Reilly: “I Will Do Whatever It Takes to Make America Great Again”

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“I will do whatever it takes to make America great again,” 45th President Donald Trump said while interviewing with Bill O’Reilly.

It marked the latest hint indicating that Trump has plans in sight to attempt to take back the White House in 2024.

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Bill O’Reilly: “You are thinking about changing your style if you get back into the presidential sweet picks. You’re not going to be as harsh because you have a record to run on. Is that what I heard?”

Trump: “I will do whatever it takes to make America great again. That’s all I’m gonna do. Whatever it takes. If I have to be harsh I’ll be harsh. Let me tell you. I Was harsh with NATO — got 430 billion dollars from NATO. They were ripping us off. But, I’ll do whatever it takes to make America great again. Our country is in trouble. Our country has never been in a position like it is right now. We’re not respected by anybody. I will do what it takes and it will be all about America first. Whatever I have to do.”

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