Devin Nunes Calls For An End To ‘Fake News’ In His Christmas & New Years Message

NunesDevin Nunes Video Screen Shot

Congressman Devin Nunes called for an end to ‘fake news’ in a random holiday message on Tuesday.

Nunes issued the call to action in a video he uploaded to his Twitter account that shows him standing in front of a “fake fire” in a living room on Christmas Eve.

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“I wanna wish your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” Nunes said in the video.

“I want you to know this is a fake fire, a lot like the fake news you see,” Nunes said as he pointed to the fire behind him.

“Let’s hope this year, no more fake news, no more fake fires. Let’s hope for a better 2020,” he concluded. “Thanks again for all your support.” Video Below