‘This is 100% Conclusive & Determinative Evidence’: Trump on True the Vote’s Investigation of how ‘2020 Election’ was ‘Rigged’

[Image: 45th President Donald J. Trump -- Fox News YouTube video screenshot. True the Vote video screenshot. The Freedom Times compilation].

45th President Donald J. Trump issued an email statement on Tuesday in response to True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips interview on “The Charlie Kirk Show” which aired last week.

Engelbrecht and Phillips revealed their findings and data which showed several people stuffing ballot boxes in swing states during the 2020 election.

“This is 100% conclusive and determinative evidence. When will the Republicans finally act. Not only was the 2020 Election Rigged, but they’ll do it again,” 45th President Donald Trump said from his “Save America” PAC.

“This is your chance. The people, who are disgusted with your weakness and indifference, are waiting. Leadership, for once, must step up to the plate and hit the ball out of the park,” he wrote.

“Schumer and Pelosi would never stand for this if it were the other way around. This is ‘foolproof,’ on video tape for everyone to see. Do something!” the 45th President  demanded.

“Watch the videos here,” he recommended, including a link to a thread of videos from Liz Harrington, his spokesperson. “Watch the episode, ‘How They Did It—True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on ‘The Charlie Kirk Show’ here“, he added. Continued Below

Liz Harrington tweeted a screenshot of the 45th President’s email statement:

“How They Did It” — True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips on The Charlie Kirk Show:

(Related: Trump Issues A Statement On New Movie Trailer ‘That Shows The World Exactly How The 2020 Presidential Election Was Rigged & Stolen’)

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