Chip Roy: ‘Why Would Anybody in This Chamber Vote to Fund a Govt That’s Going to Mandate That People Have to Lose Their Jobs Through These Unlawful Orders?’

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“Why would anybody in this chamber vote to fund a government that is going to mandate that people have to lose their jobs through these unlawful orders?” Rep. Chip Roy (R,TX) asked while speaking in the House chamber on Tuesday. “We have an easy call, but we have to make that call this week.”

During his speech, Roy spoke out against Biden’s vaccine mandates and urged his GOP colleagues to do whatever it takes to try to withhold funding to the federal government in an attempt to derail Biden’s controversial strategy to combat the coronavirus.


As reported by Denver Gazette:

“…With the GOP a minority in both chambers of Congress, only Senate Republicans are positioned to pull the trigger on a government shutdown… The majority of Senate Republicans are expected to resist such calls.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell opposes shutting down the government as a strategy to effect policy, believing the tactic legislatively ineffective and politically counterproductive. The Kentucky Republican is unlikely to view a shutdown to block Biden’s vaccine mandate any differently than he has past efforts, the Washington Examiner confirmed Tuesday, rendering the proposal dead on arrival. Democrats control a 50-seat “majority” and need 10 GOP votes to overcome a filibuster and pass any government funding bill.