Biden: ‘I’m Not Supposed To Take Any Questions, But Go Ahead… I’m Not Gonna Answer On Afghanistan’

[Image: Joe Biden-- The White House YouTube video screenshots. The Freedom Times compilation].

78-year-old Joe Biden gave remarks over the federal response to Hurricane Ida from FEMA headquarters on Sunday.

After speaking about the hurricane, Biden told reporters that he was “not supposed to take any questions”, and he did not mention who gave him the order. However, he told a reporter to “go ahead” with their question, but instead, opted out of answering when the question was over Afghanistan.

“Mr. President, on Afghanistan…” a reporter began to ask Joe Biden.

The Democrat career politician dismissed the reporter’s question, saying, “I’m not gonna answer on Afghanistan now”.

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Earlier in the day, Biden attended the dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base of the fallen troops in Afghanistan.

Biden was seen appearing to check his watch.

(Related: Jesse Watters Exposes Biden’s ‘Afghanistan Lies’: ‘Everything Biden Has Said About How This Was Gonna Go Has Turned Out to Be Wrong’)