The Hill Gets Fact-Checked By Their Own Photo After Claiming Trump Supporters Didn’t Wear Masks At NC Rally

Don Jr., The HillKENS 5 Video Screen Shot, The Hill, TFT Compilation

After President Trump’s rally in North Carolina on Tuesday, The Hill attemptef to bash President Trump and his supporters for not wearing masks at the event.

The Hill tweeted a photo of the rally with the caption: “JUST IN: Trump, supporters gathered without masks in North Carolina despite request from local GOP official.”

Take A Look:

The only problem with The Hill’s entire post is that the photo they uploaded completely contradicted their blurb, as virtually all Trump supporters in the photo are wearing masks.

Donald Trump Jr. seized the moment to pounce on so-called “journalists” at The Hill for not noticing the obvious.

“WTF? Literally all you have to do is zoom in on the picture to realize that everyone gathered in the stands is wearing a mask,” Don Jr. tweeted. “I was able to do it on my iPhone in two seconds!”

“I guess ‘journalists’ are not capable of basic observation, they just blindly run with the narrative,” he added.

Donald Trump Jr. Reacts To The Hill’s Post

Twitterverse was also quick to make sure The Hill realized that the photo they tweeted completely contradicted what they were trying to portray.

We leave you with some of the most highly engaged reactions: