Brit Hume Comes Forward & Rips The Media Over Their Coverage Of Trump’s Mt. Rushmore Speech

[Image source: Fox News video screenshots. The White House video screenshot. The Freedom Times compilation].

Brit Hume, Fox News‘ senior political analyst, ripped the media’s coverage of President Donald Trump’s speech at Mount Rushmore, which was on the eve of Independence Day, and he also called out Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) after she told CNN’s Dana Bash on Sunday, that the president “spent more time worried about honoring dead Confederates”.

“What really struck me about this speech that the president gave at Mount Rushmore was that he spent more time worried about honoring dead Confederates than he did talking about the lives of our 130,000 Americans who lost their lives to COVID-19, or by warning Russia off of the bounties they’re putting on Americans’ heads,” Duckworth claimed.

“President Trump never mentioned any dead confederates,” Brit Hume said.

“His speech, in its bulk, was a ringing of full-throated defense of America’s history and heroes, and there were no confederates mentioned. It wall all the Fore Fathers of our country, Washington, Lincoln, and other great Americans. And that was really the main bulk of it. So what [Sen. Duckworth] said was flat out false,” Hume pointed out.

He also noted the headlines from leftwing outlets, who slammed the president’s speech, saying, “were unbelievably misleading”.

“Some of the other headlines I saw were even worse than those,” he said, referring to some of the headlines Fox News’ Bret Bair referenced. “In fact, as I followed this over the weekend, I don’t think I’ve ever seen such dishonest and biased coverage of any event. This was a speech meant to be inspiring, and even if you think the messenger was flawed, the speech itself was quite strong and in some ways, very positive. It’s remarkable,” Hume expressed. Video Below

Brit Hume’s official remarks:

Here are some examples of what the media reported:

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(Related: Trump’s Message To Media Who ‘Falsely Label Their Opponents As Racists’: “The More You Lie, Demean & Collude, The More Credibility You Lose”)